21 Days to Happiness? Tell me it’s true.

The 21 Day Happiness Challenge by Joeel & Natalie Rivera gives excellent tips on how to simply be “happy.”

Many people think they can only be happy after certain events happen or if they have a certain status in life, but that’s not true. We ALL can and should be happy, and they illustrate that perfectly in this course. What makes the program especially useful is they provide many different examples on how a person can achieve happiness easily and with a few simple tricks.

One of the first things they make known is happiness comes from within. It’s not determined by another person’s happiness or material possessions. When people let their happiness be dictated by others, they must continuously seek more and more stimuli to maintain that same level of happiness. (It almost becomes a drug.) Problems can arise if they don’t get that constant stimulation, or they start needing more to be happy.

One such example they give is by simply laughing, even for no reason. When we laugh, our brain thinks we’re happy, and will release feel-good chemicals that further boost our mood. I have noticed how great I feel after a good laugh, so I believe this to be true!

Another tip I found useful was simply enjoying nature. Even just 5–10 minutes of going outside and observing nature can boost our moods and get us away from whatever is bringing us down.

One of my favorite tips they give is on gratitude. Too many of us focus on what we don’t have, instead of putting more emphasis on what we do have. This is an excellent point, because sometimes, we may get down on ourselves because we don’t have certain material items. They teach us how to focus on being grateful for what we do have, which can increase our level of happiness.

Other great tips they provide pertain to music and how it can boost our moods, participating in fun activities, and the power of forgiveness.

All in all, this is an excellent course. We all can be happy just by making a few changes in our perceptions. It’s impossible to change the world around us, but if we change our mindset, happiness can be ours. Joeel and Natalie give great tips and easy practical exercises on making that happen.

Listen to 21 Day Happiness Challenge and more self improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Audio Program by: Joeel & Natalie Rivera Review by: Dena Ewen