One Easy Way To Overcome Your Fears

It’s a scary world out there. Especially spiders. Spiders are freaking terrifying. I’ve had a long-held phobia of the little monsters. If I saw one in the house, I ran from the room and called to my girlfriend to get rid of it. At a certain point, it got ridiculous. I needed to face my fear. I have used hypnosis techniques successfully in the past, so I figured maybe there was something to help me with that problem. Lo and behold, Empowered Hypnosis had just the course for me.

For people that aren’t me, the program covers more than just spiders. There are relaxing tracks for all sorts of fears, from blood to dogs to water. Those specific fears don’t apply to me, but I can see how the soothing audio tracks would help for those as well. There’s also a long passage of how to deal with general anxiety, and while I’ve never considered myself a particularly anxious person, it really helped me calm down. Just by doing the breathing exercises, I found myself much happier in my day-to-day life. We all have anxieties, so we could all use that assistance.

Plus, it helped with the spider problem. I’m not going to go out and buy a pet tarantula, but after going through the entire course, just listening to the same affirmations every day for three weeks, I found myself able to face the arachnid menace without flipping out. It really gave me an unexpected peace of mind. I think it would really help others who suffer from debilitating fears like I did. Who knew that just listening and breathing and cutting yourself off from the world for 15 minutes a day could have such a positive effect?

Listen to Anxiety – Social Phobias, Panic Attacks, Fear of Blood, Cancer, Snakes, Doctors & More and more self improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Audio Program by: Empowered Hypnosis Review by: Denis Collins