What in the world is eco-sex?

When I first read the title for this course, I didn’t realize that the word “sex” had the word “eco” placed right in front of it so as I started listening to it, I was thrown off when Dr. Lee started talking about eco-sexuals. When did this become a thing? Why are there more and more labels being thrown around to separate people by their likes/dislikes and personal choices? Am I in the twilight zone? What in the world is an eco-sexual and how do they eco-sex?!

All of my questions were of course, answered by Dr. Lee, thankfully, or else I don’t know if I would have been able to sleep that night.

Apparently, an eco-sexual refers to a person who is environmentally conscious and has a strong interest in environmental issues. Dr. Lee goes on to mention vegans, vegetarians, and talks about how she’s gluten-free. She almost lost me there. I respect people with these values and totally understand them but I had no idea where she was going with it. Why do you need a term to describe yourself sexually just because you’re environmentally friendly and have omitted certain foods from your diet?

Eventually, Dr. Lee gets to the point which is about educating us on eco-friendly options for sex toys, lubricants, and oils. The thing about these eco-friendly options is that it isn’t about the environment at all! It has nothing to do with a person’s preference for being eco-friendly or vegan and everything to do with just having options that are SAFE for our bodies. This is not something that is limited to “eco-sexuals” — it’s for anyone out there that doesn’t want to put harmful chemicals in their hoo-ha!

So okay, once you get past all that stuff that doesn’t make any sense because it was only targeted to a specific group of people, you get to the good stuff. You get actual information. You realize why certain sex toys might have been giving you an irritation all these years! You are given knowledge on which materials are safe and are provided with a guide on how to choose sex toys/lubes to make sure there are no potential health risks. This part is actually worth listening to and can benefit everyone out there, so it’s great!

Unfortunately, I still don’t know what eco-sex is.

Listen to Eco Sex – Learn To Have An Amazing Sex Life and more self improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Audio Program by: Dr. Martha Tara Lee | Review by: Daven Karp