I am seven years sober now and I am so glad I listened to these audios by Barefoot Bill. It is a workshop on how to understand the inner workings of The Big Book and the AA program. There are several short audios but all are awesome, talking about AA and The Big Book. For me it was a great way to rehash The Big Book as it’s been some time since I read it. One thing is for sure though, if the process of my own recovery went a different way than it did, I do not think I would be sober today.  

Barefoot Bill talks about the circle and triangle symbol of AA.  I was taken to a rehab where I did the 90 day treatment. I chose to stay on another six months, even though the facility did not have a halfway house. During this time, I volunteered and also managed to find work in a town not far away. At the end of my nine months there, I found a tiny apartment around the corner from the facility. I even managed to bring my baby to come stay with me.  By then, she was one year and some months.  All glory to God by the way because all this just happened. It was not planned.  

I regress but my point is, being around the facility and volunteering there or even when I found work, to come back in the evenings and sit and talk with the newer members, the counsellors and my sponsor, doing this took care of three part solution to recovery from alcohol for me. If I left immediately after I did my 90 days and went home, who knows what would have happened. And today, I strongly practice and believe that reworking the steps and being of service inside and outside of AA will be the strongest base on which I continue to build a successful recovery.

Barefoot also talks about even after being sober for 3 and a half years, because he hadn’t reworked the steps he becomes so miserable he even contemplated suicide. That was me at 5 years. The facility relocated out of town and evolved into an adventure resort. I had been a paid administrator working for them for about 2 years when the decision to relocate was made. My world just crumbled because I could not move with them.  It’s just as well because the rehab closed when they opened the resort. Anyway, long story short, I made a decision to reinvent myself anew and move forward as I continued to rework steps and be of service.  It’s been a struggle, but I am now my own boss and I am good. So no matter what, keep working it and you will be good too.

Listen to AA Workshop – How to Understand the Inner Workings of the Big Book and AA Program by Barefoot Bill and more self improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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