Procrastination, a literal curse

I really enjoyed this set of podcasts, as a college student procrastination is something that I am all too familiar with. I’ll get it done later, I’ll wait until another day, I’ll do it tomorrow, and those are pretty much my basic mantras throughout the day. So when listening to these podcasts I was intrigued as to the advice that would be given and what I could take from them.

Firstly, I loved the exercise to combat procrastination segment, I personally have tried this and found it to be super effective. I love how Chris Hall makes these things sound completely and totally doable (cus they are duh) but also like a challenge, something to achieve. I was also was interested in all of the science and statistics that Hall brought up in his podcasts. I was surprised to find how much research and technology has gone into studying the habits of people and things.

Likewise, I found it really impactful when he started speaking about the importance of routines. I think having a fixed routine, an almost set plan of how you’re going to move about your day is important, especially when it concerns getting things done and procrastination. I also liked the idea of removing temptations that would otherwise hinder your success for whatever you’re trying to achieve. I know personally, I try to maintain a healthy diet, which means meal prepping and sticking to a routine of eating at specific times; to make it easier for myself I remove any form of temptation that might make me want to splurge, and it helps!

I also think the visualization aspect is super important as well because you’re actually setting your intent and energy into this outcome that you want to see happen. I’d give these podcasts a solid thumbs-up, very interesting and inspiring!

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Content Review by Eliza Reid