Recovery Motivation and Encouragements: Love Every Bit of It

When I first came to the page for this course and read Relationships in Recovery, I knew it was information that was going to benefit me. Even though I have been in recovery for years, one of the most difficult things for me is still my relationships. I have very unhealthy relationships and don’t do well trying to heal in or throughout my relationships.

Acceptance is the Key to Freedom. This saying alone makes me happy. Once someone with an addiction can accept what is going on in their life with alcohol or drugs, once they accept the fact they have an addiction, freedom can be theirs.

Wow! I just have to say that I am so surprised to hear one speaker, Bob D., say that alcoholism is a blessing. He says that he believes that alcoholism is in God’s hands a great blessing. It allows people to become more amazing than they ever thought they could be as he has. He also says if he thinks someone isn’t going to like him, he won’t like them first. This is how I lived so much of my life. Since about the third year of my recovery, I tried to start changing this.

My absolute favorite part of this course is the honesty and self-appraisal section. I still have issues being fully honest with myself or not judging myself negatively. Hearing his stories reminds me just how much I need to be honest in everything I do. I enjoy hearing reminders of the basics for living in recovery.

In Twelve Steppin’ Up in Recovery, he says that alcoholism comes in people and not in bottles. This is something I have never heard before. Now that I have, it does work that way. My alcoholism is inside of me and what I do. It isn’t just because I have drank alcohol in the past.

This course brings about the best parts and expressions for a recovering lifestyle. To me, this is something every early recovering addict should hear.

Listen to Having Relationships in Recovery – AA Speakers and more self improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Audio Program by: Odomtology Review by: Garry Daven