Become more aware of your binge eating and stop it at its roots

While binge eating has never been something that I truly notice in terms of my addictive behaviors, it certainly shows up from time to time when I pay attention. Having a history of drug addiction and alcohol abuse, it is safe to say that I have escapist tendencies that arise when I feel that I have lost my way to depression and lack of self-worth. In retrospect, last night I found myself eating and wanting to eat out of mere boredom! How ludicrous is that?! I wasn’t even hungry, but simply wanted something to “do” and distract myself from the current state. While it is very easy to get caught up in these kinds of behaviors, all it takes to change them is a little bit of self-awareness and some willingness to step into the unknown.

I hadn’t been very exposed to hypnosis before I discovered this app, but I am pleased to say that it actually does work and has helped me immensely in getting in better touch with my wounds and addictive tendencies. While I am not overweight by any means, I do find myself experiencing body dysmorphia and struggling with my self-esteem when my diet slips, I over-eat, or I adhere too closely to a sedentary lifestyle. This lack of self-esteem only propels me further to act compulsively to distract myself from these false feelings, and only makes me feel worse in the end.

If you struggle with binge eating or any other addiction for that matter, you should definitely consider listening to these hypnosis programs and giving it a shot! These programs have helped me in becoming more aware of my body, mind, and soul and responding to my internal and external stimuli accordingly. While addressing these dark parts of ourselves certainly isn’t an easy challenge, it is a challenge that propagates self-growth and more fulfillment in our lives. So, if are open to new things and are looking for more substantial means to kick your unhealthy habits and behaviors, I definitely recommend listening to these hypnosis tracks and seeing what happens!

Listen to Hypnosis for Binge Eating and more self-improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

Audiojoy for iOS Audiojoy for Android

Content Review by Chad Callaghan