Cocaine Anonymous Speaker Tapes – Experience, strength, and hope.

This is a compendium of Cocaine Anonymous speaker tapes from throughout the country.  These are all in the “speaker” format, what it was like, what happened, and what it is like now.  You’ll get to hear it that solid form, which makes it very easy to follow.  The majority of the tapes are from speakers that have a long-term recovery.  You’ll get to hear the evolution of their disease and of course, you’ll see the, yes, gateway, to cocaine, alcohol, and marijuana.

Most of the speakers have the same feelings that all addicts have.  Not fitting in, just not ever feeling normal, etc.  But it’s not all about feelings.  Feelings are not facts and as addicts, we have to remember that, because those feelings can lead back to using.

There is some talk about why people didn’t stay?  Interesting?  One speaker centers his talk on this and hits the nail on the head.  The drug becomes the solution.  The drug is used to get us through the day.  It is no longer fun.  We go back to it because we are not comfortable in our skin.  Period and we go back to what we “felt” made us comfortable. So this speaker tells us that we stay restless, irritable, and discontent, until we practice the 12th step which I, myself am guilty of not practicing.  Carrying the message.

The speakers also discuss the disease aspect.  The physical allergy aspect.  How addicts and alcoholics are completely different.  Once they start, they cannot stop.  The mental obsession kicks in.  Can that person stop – when they have to go to work?  when the money runs out? How about this, how many times have you gone to the ATM machine :-)?  This Addiction.  Sufficient reason will not stop you.  Have you ever been asked, how about some more? and you say “no thanks”.  These things don’t happen to non-addicts and non-alcoholics.

There were some really great takes on addiction in these stories.  I suggest that you listen to these tapes.  My favorite was ” I’m Irritable Restless and Discontent” – Chris R., that was an outstanding speaker.  If anything, listen to him.

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Content Review by Finnley Handley