Everyone deserves a good night’s sleep.

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with sleep. Some nights are completely normal, with me sleeping completely through the night without any worries. And some, it can take hours for me to finally get to sleep. Even when I do get to sleep, I may wake up anywhere between one and four times a night. To this day, I can’t pin down with certainty what exactly is keeping me up at night or waking me up. It’s very frustrating. With such an erratic relationship with sleep, I’m often trying many different things in order for me to get asleep and stay asleep.

One thing that I thoroughly appreciated about these deep relaxation tracks is the fact that they last anywhere from 3-6 hours. It gives me enough time to fall asleep without having to constantly worry about getting jerked out of my relaxation by dead air. Also, the tracks are helping me slowly inch farther and farther away from relying on sleeping pills, or other chemicals in order to get asleep and stay asleep. I’ve been looking for more natural methods to get asleep and stay asleep, and using some of these tracks to help get into that mindset has worked quite well. If you’re like me and you’re trying to get away from using sleeping pills, then you should try out these tracks.

I very much appreciate that this set of tracks includes music without voices on top of it. When I hear someone trying to tell me something on a sleep meditation track, I tend to pay more attention to it. I’ll spend more time trying to figure out what they have to say, and less time actually trying to fall asleep. But if you’re into having someone talk you into sleeping, then there’s something for you as well.

If you’re interested in getting a better night’s sleep, then I’d definitely recommend that you try these tracks.

Listen to 3-6 Hour Meditation Music For Deep Relaxation and more self improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Content Review by Louise Rayner