Holy Meditation!

Whether you are a beginner to meditation or are a veteran of the practice, this audio course is for you. For myself, I don’t practice meditation nearly as much as I strive to or as much as I used to, but when I came across this collection of meditations featuring world-renowned authors and spiritual teachers such as Eckhart Tolle and Davidji, I nearly had a heart attack from all the excitement.

The amount of material in this course is so deep and so illuminating that it I feel like it should be harder to come across, but this app makes it more accessible and affordable than ever before.

There are meditations for relaxation, mindfulness, body scanning, and even anxiety and depression. In my own life, I have used meditation in times when I am feeling my pain-body beginning to arise and urging me to revert to old patterns and impulses that have become my defense mechanisms to protect me from feeling said feelings. However, in training myself to meditate and spend time exploring myself instead of running from myself, I have become so much more self-aware and have gained so much more control over how I respond to my emotions.

Meditation is, in a lot of ways, like therapy. Except, instead of someone else listening to your problems and giving you advice, it is you. Through meditation, you come in contact with your higher self — your truth — and discover your capacity to be your own teacher, as well as the student. Like I said before, I don’t meditate as much as I should, but when I found this, I could hardly contain my excitement and dove-in crown chakra first with full abandon.

Meditation has changed my life, and the material in this audio program is so vital and fruitful that I recommend everyone give meditation a shot at least once. Start with this app! It will turn your mundane routine into a continuous present moment of steadfast awareness and inner peace.

Listen to Guided Meditations For Mindfulness, Relaxation And Sleep (16-20 mins each) and more self improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

Audiojoy for iOS Audiojoy for Android

Content Review by Max H. Perry