Implementing the Big Book – the steps and traditions in our daily lives

This is a lengthy collection, but well worth it.  I’m glad Audiojoy was able to obtain this.

Chris is well-versed in the Big Book.  Really an expert and an authority in my opinion, but then again, they say there are no authorities in AA.  Anyway, he’s close enough.  I’m glad I had the chance to listen to this.  I will number this for my review.

1.  This is lengthy because he discusses these – 1. Surrender. (Capitulation to hopelessness.) 2. Hope. (Step 2 is the mirror image or opposite of step 1. In step 1 we admit that alcohol is our higher power, and that our lives are unmanageable. In step 2, we find a different Higher Power who we hope will bring about a return to sanity in management of our lives.) 3. Commitment. (The key word in step 3 is decision.) 4. Honesty. (An inventory of self.) 5. Truth. (Candid confession to God and another human being.) 6. Willingness. (Choosing to abandon defects of character.) 7. Humility. (Standing naked before God, with nothing to hide, and asking that our flaws – in His eyes – be removed.) 8. Reflection. (Who have we harmed? Are we ready to amend?) 9. Amendment. (Making direct amends/restitution/correction, etc..) 10. Vigilance. (Exercising self-discovery, honesty, abandonment, humility, reflection and amendment on a momentary, daily, and periodic basis.) 11. Attunement. (Becoming as one with our Higher Power.) 12. Service. (Awakening into sober usefulness.) and why they are puzzle pieces in our recovery.  It blew me away how he put it all together.

2. Offering a solution – Well, isn’t that why we all came knocking at the door of AA?  He lays out simply the program of AA and the spiritual aspect for the suffering alcohol and how truly easy it is when one is willing.

3.  The Concept Of Alcoholism And Powerlessness – Chris, lays out how, until we admit to our utmost self that we are completely powerless over alcohol, we will drink again.  This is devastating for many and keeps many out of the rooms for years because they just can’t admit defeat.  Until this step is taken, the drink will plague our lives.

4. Connecting Alcohol To The Process – This is vital for recovery.  Yes, we’re screwed up without alcohol, but Chris discusses how alcohol intensified our insanity and character defects.  Now taking the booze away what do we do?  Listen to what he says.

5. The Nature Of Character Defects – We all have them.  We just need to get at them and to the core of them.  He goes into the depth of the fourth and the fifth step and the power and release that it has for the one who actually does it fully.  Those defects can turn into assets.  How amazing is that?

6.  Having A Serious Commitment To Recovery – Meeting makers make it.  As they say and “Keep coming back”.  When asked why someone relapsed, the person usually replies that they stopped going to meetings…  This is serious business and Chris proposes that this is a life or death struggle and we need to take our medication – AA.

7.  Amending The Behavior Through The Steps Of Recovery – This takes time and Chris says, well, we’re alcoholics, so we want to fix everything fast.  So we want to go out and make up or mistakes, but patience is key because that comes in step nine and we’re just not healthy and ready until then.

8.  Finding The Right Prospect Alcoholic For Recovery – this is in regards to more of the twelve-step, so one has to really be involved in the program to listen to this portion of the program.

9.  Recovery Is About Spiritual Condition – Before attempting to help others, we have to as Chris says, be in fit spiritual condition ourselves or we will just hang on or fail.  So before attempting to help another sick and suffering person, we need to take a personal inventory and see where we are at in our relation to God.

10.  Handling An Alcoholic Properly – Here is something that can be easily lost.  This goes back to Bill and Bob.  It’s about telling your story and never telling someone what they have to do.  The moment you do that. You lose.

11.  Understanding The Process Of Recovery  – Chris sums it up by enlightening the listeners about the recovery process and how it never ends.  It is an ongoing, moving cycle.  We are always going forward slowly and we have to be easy on ourselves.

This was an excellent set of tapes.

Listen to AA Workshop – Walking the Straight and Narrow by Chris S. and more self-improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Content Review by Morgan Bannister