In an overly complicated world, plain-talking Gary Vee is like fresh air

If you’ve been struggling to find your way; if you’ve been beating yourself up over your current condition, you owe it to yourself to listen to what Gary Vee has to say. Vee (short for Vaynerchuk) is a highly successful entrepreneur and businessman. And, suffice it to say, Vee did not get where he is today by speaking softly and being cuddly. He is tough and strong, some might even say acerbic, but he lays his keys for his own success bare for the rest of us to reap. He just doesn’t pull any punches when he lays it on you.

One of the things I love about Gary Vee’s audio courses is how deceptively simple everything is. At first, you find yourself thinking that there is nothing truly insightful being shared. Then, it slowly starts to hit you just how perceptive he really is. He generalizes like a fortune teller does, only there are no tricks and no ulterior motives. He explains in conversation with someone what they are doing wrong, and it hits me every time. He could just as easily be talking to me.

Vee really seems to feel that any of us can do what he did and find our ways to wealth. It seems like most super-successful people tend to feel like there is something special about them that made them rich. Vee obviously doesn’t think so.

Case in point: the section titled “Fix the Well – Not the Sink.” In it, Vee expresses his disdain for people that listen to the voices in their lives that tell them they can’t do what they want to do. According to him, the only voices worth paying any heed to are those of people that are where you want to be. It makes sense. The people that are telling you that you’ll fail probably aren’t extremely successful, so what are you listening to them for anyway?

Vee’s is one voice telling you that you can. His mantra is working hard and taking action every day. He wants you to think big so that when you finally achieve your goals, they will be big goals. He isn’t going to coddle you and tell you that the chips were stacked against you and there was nothing you can do. This is the path to wealth through work. It’s a proven method, and he puts everything to you in short, actionable doses. Like I said, you owe it to yourself to hear what Gary Vee has to say.

Listen to Gary Vee – Optimism Will Keep You Going and more self-improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Content Review by Jedd Riddle