Thank you so much for helping me find my confidence!

Being social has never been my forte. This became ever more clear to me when I started college a couple of years ago. Jumping headfirst into the collegiate social scene, I started to get invited to all these crazy house parties and club events that were filled with music I couldn’t stand and too many people at once. Needless to say, I never really felt at home bouncing around in your nearest club bouncing around to a dubstep version of Ariana Grande’s latest record. But, nevertheless, I kept going to them, even though I knew in my heart that I didn’t enjoy them. I just figured that in order to be social in college and meet new people I had to go and put myself out there in that way.

Justin gave this great suggestion in this confidence crash course about utilizing, and I haven’t looked back since at the wild club scene since. I’ve met so many different wonderful people by just reaching out to some of the local groups in my area that surrounded my interests. There’s so much available through that website for many different types of people. I swear if you haven’t checked out that website; then you must do it as soon as possible!

    (Through my aimless Googling, I’ve also learned that there are tons of local events being advertised on Facebook. I’m going to start going to those too!)

Listening to this batch of podcasts was a great choice for me, and perfectly fit into my daily routine since they were so short and to the point. I listen to them a bunch when I’m out walking my dog or when I’m looking to relax for the night. I’m always looking to learn new things, and working through these podcasts was a great way to not only learn about how to build more of a social life and gain more confidence around new people, but it also gave ways to practice and put these principles into action in your everyday life.

Listen to 60 Min To Self Esteem The Confidence Crashcourse – Confidence and more self improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Content Review by Ashlee Gallagher