These simple, effective, and accessible meditations will improve your everyday life

Even now, I struggle with implementing simple meditations into my everyday life. However, when I look at where I used to be as opposed to where I am now, the powers of self-awareness, and in particular, meditation, have helped me greatly in achieving greater levels of fulfillment in my life with minimal stress levels.

A lot of people believe that they simply “don’t know how to meditate” — this is a bunch of crap. This self-doubt typically arises because people think you are supposed to stop your mind and achieve a kind of Nirvana every time, however, this isn’t the case. Meditation is about taking the stance of the observer and watching your mind. It isn’t about controlling the contents of it. The contents of our minds are always frivolous and fleeting, but the way in which we respond out of said internal stimuli is where the power of meditation reveals itself. You can notice feelings of anger and still refrain from projecting anger and insecurity onto your external circumstances. This is the nature of meditation.

It has taken me many years to even come close to understanding what meditation means to me, and I still haven’t the faintest idea. Meditation is a difficult practice that doesn’t come easy, but I will promise you that it will most certainly change the fabric of your present life.

This audio program is full of great meditations, affirmations, and even guided meditations to assist you in mastering the practice and growing in your self-awareness. I am so grateful for this tool and how available these devices are to the public. This the ancient art of self-realization proposed in a technologically advanced medium — how cool is that?! Whether you are a beginner to the practice or you have been doing it for a while, this app will assist you in mastering the art of meditation and better implementing it into your life in ways that work for you.

Listen to Ease Anxiety Through Meditation and more-self improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Content Review by Casey Maxwell