A basic guide to why we get moody and depressed, and how to manage them

Being someone in a stressful industry myself, I occasionally go through ups and downs in my mood. And I also seem to experience some sorts of low levels of energy, irritability and poor motivation. I really wanted to get to know the basics of why I felt drowsy after a square meal, or why my energy level spiked up and down between snacks.

I was referred to Jule-Allen Rowland’s audio course by a close friend- a real life audio course enthusiast. After finally being able to muster all the motivation I needed, I kicked off the course from the first part. In this part, the course focuses on how blood sugar balance affects our neurotransmitters- chemical messengers which facilitate the transmission of signals from one cell to the other. Even though I have learned a great deal from this particular part, I felt like it required a bit of subject matter experience in neurology for me to be able to follow. The second part of the course zooms in on the why insulin is important in maintaining a healthy mindset- one that is not susceptible to burn-ups, low energy levels and so on. It has also opened my eyes to why I should not consume too much sugar and how surplus of sugar in the brain leads to low energy levels. Following the part on insulin, the course laser focuses on adrenal exhaustion- one of the culprits that cause us to experience depression or mood swings.

In the final part, the course gives great tips on how to prevent depression with eating the right diet and how to manage it if we do experience one. This part also gave me great pointers on how to fight demotivation and get myself going on the things I had long planned to work on. Also, in the concluding part, Jule-Allen stresses the importance of a healthy gut in maintaining a sound mental health. So, I learned that I shouldn’t overlook the nerve system around other body organs.

Realistically, the course is not a panacea for all of our depression related problems, however, it has helped me a great deal in terms of giving me useful insight into why I go through some of these brain-related problems, and how I can ensure I eat the right diet to either minimize or prevent these problems going forward. Overall, it is a useful course for anyone out there who is looking to get some basic understanding of why we experience these issues and how to maximize them.

Listen to Fundamentals In Depression – First Steps In Managing Depression And Low Motivation and more self improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Audio Program by: Jules Allen-Rowland | Review by: Mike Bowlby