Ya girl loves meditation

These podcasts made me feel like I was in a meadow in an enchanted forest with some fairies and elves. As someone who suffers from insomnia, I love to listen to guided meditations before bed as a means to relax and get some well-deserved sleep.

I love meditating as I’ve found it’s the most effective way for me to relax and calm myself if I’m ever having a stressful day. To start off with the woman’s voice is absolutely gorgeous; I could listen to her reading a phone book and wouldn’t at all be upset about it. Likewise, I liked how there was an element of spiritualism with the awareness of chakras and different energy work that you can do within these meditations.

The imagery within these segments was amazing, I love feeling transported or taken away as I’m meditating. I liked the energy work with the white healing light the most as it’s something I also try to practice outside of meditation that I find helps me. I think these meditations are perfectly timed (sometimes if they’re too long I fall asleep) extremely easy to follow and very user-friendly. Furthermore, I thought the selection for each of these segments was great, as the tackled different topics that widely affect a number of different people. I personally did these before bed and when I woke up in the morning as a way to start and finish my day.

I believe the way you begin and end your day has a huge impact on your overall mindset and can be an integral part of your happiness. I also did a couple of these when I was feeling anxious or nervous throughout the day, especially the breathing techniques which I found extremely useful!

Listen to Guided Meditations For Peace And Zen and more self-improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Content Review by Daisy Grainger