Being Happy is a Practice of Self-Actualization

If you were to ask me, I would probably tell you that I consider myself to be a self-actualized person like David Tuffley discusses in his book. Granted, it doesn’t mean that I move through my life effortlessly; walking on water and shrugging off emotional pain like a stone-cold Buddha, but rather, I am simply more aware of my inner and outer realities and how they correlate and connect with one another.

A lot of us think that being “enlightened,” “awake,” or “self-actualized,” means to be without pain, however, in being humans, it is inevitable that we experience pain.

Pain is the byproduct of spiritual growth.

Lately, in my life, I have noticed that I have been resisting the present circumstances of my life and wallowing over the past. It does nothing to change my present circumstances. Granted, it is in part due to the regret I feel for past decisions and suffering the consequences of said actions, and I am grateful for the vast amount that I have learned about myself in the process, yet, it doesn’t change the fact that there are pain and self-doubt that creeps in.

David Tuffley does a fantastic job of painting a beautiful image of the self-actualized individual and provides a model that is relatable and admirable within the scope of vision of the aware and authentic human being. Despite the fact that I have been exposed to much of this similar information before in my quest for greater intrinsic fulfillment in my life, it is a great reminder of how far I have come, how much I can improve, and how to feel good in the process.

If you are tired of succumbing to the whims of social norms and old personal patterns of behavior and thought, I highly suggest that you give this short book a listen. It is brief, easy to listen to and understand, and is packed chock-full of wonderful information that will assist you in being more grounded in your truest self, which as he mentions in his book: “…is the key to happiness.”

Listen to Being Happy Audiobook – The Path To Lasting Happiness and more self improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Content review by Sara Prado