I learned how to identify and battle my anxiety with awareness

I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t consider myself an anxious person according to standardized definitions, however, the more that I examined my mental, emotional, and spiritual behaviors and reactions, the more I realized that I do suffer from anxiety. I overthink my responses in conversations, I fear being rejected for saying the wrong thing from time to time, I get anxious about mistakes I have made in the past, and even more anxious about what is to come in the future and how I can create the life that I want to live. Needless to say, it can wear you down after awhile, I know it certainly wears me down.

In listening to this collection of audio recordings, I have gained great insight into my anxiety, how to identify, and even how to train my subconscious mind to function differently in the face of nervousness. Being nervous doesn’t necessarily mean that we get twitchy, fidgety, or stumble over our words, but rather, it affects our self-confidence to continue moving forward. Lately, I have been experiencing anxiety within the realms of a breakup that I went through recently. It destroyed me emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, and my anxiety only amplifies the pain that I feel.

Once panic and anxiety creep in, it can be hard to see the big picture and respond in a healthy manner, and most of the time I notice myself getting sucked back into its deleterious thought patterns and nervous breakdowns. This collection of podcasts and interviews has given me many tools to combat my anxiety without being afraid of it. It has helped me to better understand my nervous processes, what they look like, and how I can change them by simply being aware of them.

So, if you struggle with anxiety, I highly urge you to consider listening to the content in this package. It greatly helped me, and I am positive that it will do the same for you.

Listen to Solutions for Panic Attacks and more self-improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Content Review by Arielle Rossi