How Does Yoga Improve Your Sex Life?

Sex is an important part of who we are. Its potential ranges from entirely mechanical to multi-dimensional, and to that of cosmic proportions. How can we improve our abilities as lovers and our abilities to be attentive and considerate of our lovers’ needs? An ancient practice that is bound to improve self-esteem, sensitivity and arousal, orgasmic intensity, and even your emotional capacity beneath the sheets, is none other than yoga.

Mula Bandha

Yoga isn’t a sexual practice, but when one directs their awareness toward their Mula Bandha—the root of the spine, pelvic floor or perineum—it inherently brings more attention to our sexual center.

Essentially, Mula Bandha is doing a lot of Kegels. Kegels are exercises that involve flexing the pelvic muscles. When these muscles are exercised, both parties can achieve a smoldering intensity with their orgasms. A woman may even use these techniques to ‘squeeze’ her partner to intensify his/her experience, while a man can use the exercises to ‘edge’ and last longer during intercourse.

Increases Libido

As we get older we lose our energy and stamina, and not only in our daily lives but in our sex lives too. Considering this, yoga increases energy levels, stamina, blood flow, and even increases libido.

While many of us have been taught to kid ourselves and uphold the capitalist belief that life is all about success, money, and stability, we all know that sex is a big part of the human experience. It also plays a big role in the construction of our identities and preferences. We all know the scenario: an older individual experiences something which reminds them of “being a teenager.” There is passion, excitement, and full abandon. A well-maintained libido is a sure-fire way to ensure that you and your partner(s) have a tantalizing experience and feel like teenagers once again in the bedroom.

Increases Flexibility

Unless you are fine with only doing the missionary position like Frankenstein and throwing out your back, you most likely enjoy the playground that is intercourse. Much like a normal playground, it can be difficult to play and do cool tricks when your back is more crooked than a politician.

Through the myriad of poses and stretches involved in yoga, you will increase your flexibility to where you just might end up surprising yourself—and your partner!

Improved Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

Perhaps you are living the single life and ‘playing the field’ —free to hook up with whomever you like whenever you like. There is nothing wrong with this, of course, but one’s capacity to open up and connect with another human intimately and empathetically drastically affects their love-making experiences.

Emotional intelligence is a fancy term for ‘understanding one’s feelings’ and empathy is essentially the ability to relate with others and feel others’ feelings. Since yoga is a very meditative practice, it cultivates a great deal of self-awareness. Through diving deeper into yourself, you will discover your ability to dive into connection with others, especially your lovers.

Improves Self Confidence

Why has yoga become such a popular practice in today’s trendy culture? That’s simple: it works. Have you ever seen someone who does yoga regularly? They look like the Hulk if the Hulk was more human-colored and less gargantuan. So basically, a really fit human.

Needless to say, nothing will boost your morale in and out of the bedroom than feeling good about yourself, and more often than not, our outer selves are merely a reflection of our inner selves. So, if you are feeling good and you want to exude that energy, doing yoga will assist you in matching how you look with how you feel. And feeling sexy will heat up your sheets faster than a dry cleaner.

Increases Core Strength

Yoga may as well be built around core strength and cultivating core energy. With each pose, you find yourself being completely aware of your body’s placement in the here and now, and such flexing and attention to the core can improve your body’s functions in many ways. It improves blood circulation, respiratory health, and invigorates increased endurance levels and heightened stamina, meaning you don’t have to worry your pretty little head about not getting picked for her kickball team.

Sex is one of the most beautiful fruits of life. It ushers in profound states of connectedness, intimacy, vulnerability, love, and life. In some respects, it was what we live for—to procreate. Yet, making love for the mere sake of procreation or ejaculation can leave one feeling empty, isolated, and alone. Yoga is a practice that will increase your capacity for close connection with others, improve the optimal state of your body, make you feel and look more attractive, and ultimately, reinvigorate your sex life with that extra little spice that it’s been missing.
