I thought I knew about Gratitude, and then this audio course taught me more

In my journey of personal growth, gratitude has been one of the single most important things to emphasize in my everyday life. Gratitude is the force that turns a supposed mundane reality into a work of art and magic, however, much like sports, cooking, carpentry, or meditation, it takes practice. Even though I like to think I am well versed in the realms of gratitude, I have found that I still have much to learn and much more to practice in my own implementation of gratitude in my life.

This short and simple collection of audio programs provided me with more tools of awareness in terms of gratitude, and how I can better express it, feel it, and harness its power. Being grateful is something that we all have the means to do in every moment, however, sometimes it does get difficult to see past the pain that blinds us. For instance, about four months ago when I was in Peru I began to slip into drug addiction and align with my pain. I couldn’t see past the feelings of despair that crippled my mind, heart, and spirit and forgot about my ability to see the big picture and be grateful for all the wonderful things in my life. I was so blind, in fact, that I didn’t even register that I was traveling in the Amazon with the love of my life and living the life that some people only dream of having.

Gratitude awakens us to just how magical our lives are. While it certainly is more meaningful to be grateful in the present, gratitude in retrospect is better than none at all.

In listening to this audio course, I was reminded of just how important it is for me to exude gratitude at every waking moment of my life. This course assisted me in returning back to my state of love and presence that I forget altogether sometimes in the wake of painstaking complaints and comparison. For those of you out there who struggle to see past your wounds, just remember: You are not alone. This course will help you to remember how beautiful you and the life you are living are. I urge any and all to give this a listen and become more grateful in your lives. It certainly has helped me in reinvigorating the magic within my life.

Listen to The Power of Being Grateful and more self-improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Content Review by Grace Gilmore