Learning how to Master my Mind, Body, and Soul

The tracks included in this audio course are nothing short of extraordinary. Dr. Steve G. Jones’ reassuring tone of voice and beautiful imagery lull the totality of your mind, body, and spirit into complete and utter relaxation, and through this gateway, I discovered the probability of other realms of consciousness and reality that lie beyond what we know.

As I lie prostrate on the couch, eyes closed, and awareness intact, I followed his gentle directions and allowed him to lead me into depths within myself that, to be quite frank, startled me at first. When I did the astral projection hypnosis, I became aware of my energy body, but when it came time to sit up and leave my body, I got frightened. I believe that this is a continuing practice I will have to implement in order to master this technique of astral travel. However, it really opened my mind, heart, and body to the limitless nature of this Universe, and moreover, myself.

If you are skeptical of these types of practices but remain curious, step outside of your comfort zone and give this audio course a listen. Give it your full attention and awareness and practice ‘letting go.’ I can certainly say that letting go is one of the most difficult tasks for us as human beings. I struggled with letting go as I was on the cusp of bursting through the veil into the astral realm, but I think that with more discipline, practice, and willingness to surrender I will be able to achieve such a feat.

The amazing thing about the whole of these hypnoses is that such states of vibration and frequency are available to everyone. This audio course will open you up to the amount of power that lies within your will to be powerful. If there is one thing I learned that I need to practice more of, it is believing in the magic of the Universe —  the magic that lies within me, all of us. So, if you are looking for an outlet to gain a deeper appreciation for yourself, your imagination and the mystical nature of the world within and without you open yourself up to this brilliant collection of techniques that will open you up to the unseen world of limitless possibility and unfettered imagination.

Listen to Metaphysical Hypnosis Techniques and more self-improvement audio programs on Audiojoy — download free on iOS or Android.

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Content Review by Ellenor Thomson