Meditations to expand consciousness through the Ascended Masters

For those interested in learning a different and more advanced perspective on meditation, Nikolas Baralos offers a simple introduction to a more esoteric kind of practice. Tapping into the teachings of the Ascended Masters opens up a whole new world of possibility. Through the energies and frequencies of sacred geometry, the Seven Archangels, the Vedic chakra system, and other ancient teachings of the cosmos, we can reconnect with who we really are – whether you call it your Higher Self, your divine innermost self, God, or whatever. 

Most spirituality is defined as the practice of living life through the perspective of the soul, as opposed to just as the human you are incarnated in at this point in time. A lot of this has been watered down for the modern age, as a lot of people are (understandably so) uncomfortable with religious terms. I’m one of those people, and for a long time, I stayed very far away from any kind of practice that was too religious for me to be comfortable. However, as I studied ancient wisdom teachings, I began to see the evolution (and devolution) of these basic principles over the thousands of years they have been passed down through our generations. 

At the core, the teachings are all the same, no matter what the label is. The fundamental thing we learn in our meditation practice is that Earth is a school, and it’s one of the hardest schools, especially as humans. Our goal is to help our souls learn and evolve from this experience. Even when we raise pets with love and care, we’re helping their souls evolve too. Many of the angels and Ascended Masters were human for a long time before they graduated. Even now, many angels are in a classroom, observing life through our eyes. 

Give these meditations a try if you’re curious. As always, it helps to have an open mind and know that you can always swap out words if you still have a negative association with them. (For example, I always switch God for Universe, and Higher Self I prefer to use words like Infinite I or Universal Consciousness. It’s really all the same thing, but we’re human so we have a lot of programmed internal responses to words based on our experiences with them).

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