Steamroll your own self-sabotage addiction

Confidence is not something that comes naturally to me. Even when I want to be, it’s like this darkness hanging over me that’s nearly impossible to shake. Thoughts like “I’m a fraud” or “my dreams are not available to me” have held me back for years. But that’s just it, those are thoughts and beliefs. They’ve been programmed into most of us from our early life and as much as we want to believe differently, it’s almost like we’re addicted to it. We’re addicted to saying no out of fear, we’re addicted to the disappointment and self-sabotage. Sometimes it’s almost like a fear of success, because then people will really see what we are. It’s just fleeting hopes and wishes that we deny ourselves out of fear. 

Trisha’s course is unlike a lot of other life coaching in the community. She’s forward, she cusses, she encourages you to rip the bandaid off with no sugarcoating about the process of healing. And instead of homework, she assigns “love work.” I really like that she puts focus on awareness. This might seem obvious; surely we have to be aware of our own inner obstacles in order to deal with them. But when you’re actually in the practice, it can be hard because we plug our ears. We’re in denial about our own habits and beliefs that keep us from achieving and manifesting the life that we desire. We still believe that someone or something “did” this to us, we’re just victims and we cannot control anything. 

There are two others in her Three A’s: acceptance and alignment. Acceptance is a big one for me. I’ve always felt, even without realizing it, that I’m not worthy of any kind of love, affection, success, or happiness. Because of this, I avoided any kind of situation that could put me in a position to be hurt. Whether it was social outings, romance, or career dreams. Language is a big one too. The way we talk to ourselves and about ourselves shapes our vibrational reality. Working on this allowed me to edge my way step by step into harnessing accountability and embodying true alignment. 

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Content Review by Mylee Harper