The new outlook on meditation

I thought this series of podcasts was really interesting. I would definitely say that I am an avid fan of meditation as well as practical uses for everyday stress and invading thoughts. Through my continuous research of meditation and different varying degrees of mindfulness and conscious understanding I read about a lot of the same things, so having something take me by surprise is nice!

One of the things that intrigued me about this set of segments is how he brings up more than one way to meditate, and how not all meditations are the same. For some reason, I always thought that meditations are the same at their core, an enhanced state of awareness and relaxation for your mind, spirit, and body.  I also thought it was interesting how he talks about the preparation before meditation as its own type of meditation. I like the idea of making sure to create a space that is calm, tranquil and quiet.

I also really appreciated how he talks about trying to get rid of distractions, and how much more successful you’ll be if you embrace them instead. I also loved how in depth these segments go, with 27 audio recordings to listen to there’s so much content to listen to. When it comes to meditating I find it a useful tool to use if I am ever feeling stressed or depressed, I find mindfulness has been one of the major contributors to my mental health.

I also really loved how he talks about open awareness as a form of meditation also, that becoming really aware of your surroundings can provide even further forms of tranquility. I also really responded to the speaker, I didn’t feel like he was talking at me but that he was talking to me as a friend might. I definitely highly recommend these recordings!

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