How to Stick the Landing In Bed

No dude wants to admit he has trouble between the sheets. Hell, I didn’t. It sucks. I wanted to please my lady, though, because she’s...

Never Lose Your Keys Again!

I really wanted to improve my memory. We all hate misplacing our keys or forgetting an appointment. Those are pretty big nuisances, but more importantly,...

100 Days to Happiness

If you’re looking for a real bang for your buck, Jerry Banfield’s Becoming Happier podcast series is what you need. Jerry recorded one of these...

I Lost Weight by Doing Math!

We’ve all tried a bunch of diets, right? Be honest. I know I have. Atkins, Paleo, gluten-free. None of them work, because the world is...

A must-have yoga course for newbies

The online articles extolling the benefits of yoga have finally compelled me to give the world of yoga a try. Why not? However, signing up...