Tag: health

Quick hypnosis for busy people

These hypnosis tracks have everything: anxiety and mood management, meditations for beginners (with theta beats! my favorite), energy boosting ones (these are great for midday),...

10 tips to stop overeating

Self-control is a struggle for many people, especially when it comes to food. Eating too much in one sitting or taking in too many calories...

5 Ways To Save Time And Energy Today

Some wise 20th-century philosophers’ once declared: “Time is on my side.” But at least for me, most Monday mornings, the Rolling Stones’ legendary lyric feels...

This Is Your Brain/this Is Your Brain On Meditation

“Meditation” can be an intimidating word for some people. The most common misunderstanding about meditation is that it’s an esoteric, strict, quest towards spiritual transcendence...

Ways to Recover from Traumatic Experience

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a person who has not come in contact with any traumatic experiences in their lives. One of the most heartbreaking...