Category: Health & Wellness

10 things to the combat loneliness.

Have you ever felt isolated? Have you gone to a social gathering and still felt alienated and alone? Does loneliness seem to keep making appearances...

Quick hypnosis for busy people

These hypnosis tracks have everything: anxiety and mood management, meditations for beginners (with theta beats! my favorite), energy boosting ones (these are great for midday),...

Confidence – You Can Do It

For most people, confidence is a learned trait. They need to learn to be self-assured. Here are a couple of ideas that can help. Make...

10 tips to stop overeating

Self-control is a struggle for many people, especially when it comes to food. Eating too much in one sitting or taking in too many calories...

5 Ways To Save Time And Energy Today

Some wise 20th-century philosophers’ once declared: “Time is on my side.” But at least for me, most Monday mornings, the Rolling Stones’ legendary lyric feels...

10 ways to practice self love

We’ve all been there before, standing in front of the mirror poking and prodding ourselves as we berate ourselves over our flaws. Why aren’t I...

This Is Your Brain/this Is Your Brain On Meditation

“Meditation” can be an intimidating word for some people. The most common misunderstanding about meditation is that it’s an esoteric, strict, quest towards spiritual transcendence...